So, here we are in California… 12 triathletes from Miami, very afraid of the cold! Our coach Vanessa Soulavy has told us all about this race, that she had tried to do it since around 10 years! that it used to be called VINEMAN (with a slightly different course) and how it would sell out so fast that she could never get a chance to sing up! it would literally be sold after 2-3 minutes!

finally, after the race changed dates (and name) to Santa Rosa, it would be a bit misleading and she would finally get a chance to sign up! so she went ahead and not only signed up, but convinced several of 101 Training to do so… and Pum, we are headed to California! after 6 months after signing up and started our training for 70.3! it was the first half Ironman distance for many of us… and what was more exciting than doing it with a team, a coach, family and and after race party in the Napa vineyards!

As race approaches our coach has a BIG news for us… she is pregnant! hahaha but coach… we all thought this was your most wanted race ever!! well it was, but she’ll have to sit this one out! she is still going guys… don’t panic!

As race day approaches we get more nervous, start buying jackets, wind breakers, gloves, head bands and such… It’s cold, it will be cold at 6 am and we are not used to that! being more prepared for the cold gives us confidence…and so race day approaches we can’t believe the beauty that surrounds us during the swim, wow! it only gets better during the bike…, cold starts fading away as we dismount to run and start seeing so many people cheering on us during the run! the coach with her big tummy! the ” couch” (how we call her husband), the rest of the family and friends, we are so close to finish line… adrenaline is at it’s highest peak!

we made it…! can’t believe it! we all made it! all finishing with huge smiles! time to head to the vineyards and celebrate!